By Nine thirty at night one had better have made the rounds. Literally. Belize has the WeeWee Ants, Leaf Cutter Ants in Mass.
They can cart away a garden in hours. In tiny pieces. ... ...Three concentric circles around the place, especially if it is going to rain, will find them if they are out and about.
Kill them Kill them all. Let God sort it out. I wish they were good to eat. Maybe they are. don't want to try though.
Malathion doesn't last long in the environment and it kills them. There will be thousands.
Nine thirty at night that's a good start. Two thirty in the morning one can get a body count. Hope it High.
up anyway then, might as well check before starting anything else.
Thatch. Cohune palm thatching for a new roof on the well house. Its about nine hundred feet to the Cohune palm trees. Tied to the head with a head band, I can drag eight leaf on the first trip... ...six on the second... ...and after that, maybe four or five. Five trips, and I leave one wide track behind me. walking. Leaf ... ...not the only thing dragging by then. Starting before it's light
makes it seem easier.
The mighty Cohune. You can live in it, wear it, eat it. (cohune cabbage) The perfect plant.
The leaf can be thirty feet long.
Split down the center rib, alternating ends, cup side up. Laid down in groups of five. First three, stacked along the rafter, then two back between them. Flat and tidy.
If you have a tin roof and there is even a spot you can see light through, it will leak. With thatch, one can see light everywhere, and yet when it rains, (and here, it rains an inch a minute sometimes), it will not leak. HHhhhmmmm
I don't recommend the cabbage. Boiled tree trunk heartwood. Kind of yellow. Kind of mushy. Kind of cabbagy... a wide stretch of the imaginationy way.
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