Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Day, Another Miracle...

...around oh... ...20 C.E. maybe it ws thick with them
Stacked up like taxi's at the Philip Goldson Airport. I guess it's thck with them now.
Jaded... ...by the miracles around me.
I 've helped to birth sheep, cattle, a horse, goats, puppies, lizards (old world) hatched from egg, chickens, ducks, turkeys, and phesants. Raised from seed, millions of plants, created with colchicine and dimethyl sulfoxide compounds, new strains of orchids, onions, squash, potatoes, melon. Selectively bred new varieties of Hosta and Dianthus.
This night, kittens were born. One, already named "Roo" has a problem with his feet. All are little miracles of the most amazing and common variety ...
...they are stacked up like taxi's
at the
Philip Goldson International.

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