Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Climate of Politics.

Elections approach for Belize. Fiercely democratic. Quick to accept an edict from their peers. A true democracy for decades... ... given too little credit in a world of terrorists and Juntas.

The climate most live under is best described as:

January 30, 2008



Actual Time 6:25 AM CST 5:47 PM CST
Civil Twilight 6:03 AM CST 6:09 PM CST
Nautical Twilight 5:37 AM CST 6:36 PM CST
Astronomical Twilight 5:11 AM CST 7:02 PM CST
Moon 12:08 AM CST 11:33 AM CST
Length Of Visible Light: 12h 06m
Length of Day
11h 21m
Tomorrow will be 0m 45s longer.

This photo is how began my blueprint to reproduce the Jaguar Temple.

First Contact

I live in a birders paradise. I like birds.

This is the first photo I ever had published. Many years ago, an Albino... ...hhhmmmm... ...a partial Albino Cardinal in Michigan.

Belize has hundreds of birds I've never seen, hundreds to learn of. All of them seem to congregate in the garden, mornings.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm slow

Maybe it would be faster... ... as I am not an artist... ...

instead of painting a tree, to just paint a seed, and wait.

The original Temple 1 or Jaguar Temple at Tikal is about four times the height of our replica, tall enough... ...
The interior (this one has an interior) painted as shown.
These, a stand of Emory Trees on the west wall.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

and these shall be... meat unto man. The Cashew and its fruit, just one of the finest poison foods in the world, a cousin to Poison Ivy, baking will render it edible and excellent.

This one is, well, a little sketchy, Tobacco.
if one must smoke, let it be chemical free and
twentyfive cents a pack.

Epiphyte. a user friendly term for parasite, these some of the best tasting parasites in the world are in the Pineapple realm.

Not really parasitic, they don't kill the host, just "share" without asking, anything they can get from it.

Dinner is served...

Its January and so the rains will fall away... ...the dry sets in, and gardens will have to nick back to compensate. Corn for feed will finish out and dry down. Sweetcorn will ripen quickly and pass. I look at how many creatures eat corn and how many eat or prefer to eat Sweet Corn and realize the sugar content of an ear of corn is example of the sugar throughout the plant. Everything eats sweet corn here. There is something for everything ... the world though. In Belize if one leaves a book and a bowl of sugar on the picnic table over night, something will eat the book. Eventually something, the sugar too.

We are as "Green" as our industry can allow, and look always for a more ecologically friendly way to do all we do. Direct recycling, making something from something without smelting melting or re belting tantamount. Chemicals with half lives comparable to our life span must sometimes be employed, I wish it weren't so. Wood lice and "Wee Wee" ants aren't much for reasoning with.
The food though we leave to fingers and a shovel to defend, Organic is just a term. "Real' is a lifestyle.

There are a few weeds, maybe a couple bugs, but no poisons in this food.
Nothing one couldn't eat, (though the term "wouldn't" may apply to some of the weeds, and bugs)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Celt 'em

The days of Free Range Cattle have passed for most of the world.
Good fences make good blisters.
There is fresh sweet corn in the garden to go with the beans, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers. I ... like this climate.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Trying to remember, (of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most) who said this, I don't like to misquote or misalign the credit.
"Human Beings are the only species who blush ... ...or need to."
Hoping it was Mark Twain. Going with that.

There are no white ones.*

Fences down.
Cattle out.
An evening of herding/ The thing about cows... ...they tell one what they will do. In their eyes is every thought. They ... ... they aren't people... ...don't lie... ...don't mislead ... ...don't [well...] breed out of season, its all right there.
They want to come back to their own pastures and they want to be shown the way. Confused maybe, but not a lie in their faces or heads. (The more people one meets, the better one likes ones cattle)
Cattle come in all shades.
People come in all shades.
(some ethnocentric- ism lends us to the conclusions that white is somehow less malevolent so we lend it to our actions)
and with that...
...lies come in one shade. *see subject.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Day, Another Miracle...

...around oh... ...20 C.E. maybe it ws thick with them
Stacked up like taxi's at the Philip Goldson Airport. I guess it's thck with them now.
Jaded... the miracles around me.
I 've helped to birth sheep, cattle, a horse, goats, puppies, lizards (old world) hatched from egg, chickens, ducks, turkeys, and phesants. Raised from seed, millions of plants, created with colchicine and dimethyl sulfoxide compounds, new strains of orchids, onions, squash, potatoes, melon. Selectively bred new varieties of Hosta and Dianthus.
This night, kittens were born. One, already named "Roo" has a problem with his feet. All are little miracles of the most amazing and common variety ...
...they are stacked up like taxi's
at the
Philip Goldson International.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ed the BeeKeeper has Died.

Sir Edmund Hillary, New Zealander who was first to climb to top of Mount Everest, dies

For the most part, a beekeeper and a farmer who raised a fortune to build schools at the foot of his monumental climb.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I See You See. I Can Change The World *

I like these guys.
The International Centre for Underutilised Crops (ICUC) is an autonomous,non-profit, scientific research and training centre. It was established in 1988and is at present based at the University of Southampton in the UK. Thecentre was established to address ways to increase the use of under-utilisedcrops for food, nutrition, medicinal and industrial products. Theenhancement of currently under-utilised crops is a key to food security, tothe conservation of biological diversity and to the preservation andrestoration of fragile and degraded environments throughout the world.

tropical fruit trees
i Hughes
ii Haq
iii Smith
ISBN 0854327649


Baobab- Adansonia digitata

(Anything that lives a thousand years and bears the term "digit", "digital", "digitized", in its name, appeals to me though. ) [*see enterphalange, Digit Media...]
but... ...That's just me.
Bears reading / searching.

* Starting with the piece I'm standing on...

Thinking of "One Thing At A Time" I recieved a letter from a place called
One of my dreams, Argentina.
Patagonia, the beaches and River Valleys of Argentina.
Talk to Claudio.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Every Dog Has His...

Morning after.

When the Judges are Finished and the Doors are Closed ... continues.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Gardens of Corn

The plants grow so quickly here, corn is over the head in a month. We grow enough to feed chickens, cattle, ourselves, guests, and any thing that walks or flies in, with the exception of "Wee Wee" ants. Those, I wish were edible.
There are a lot of them. They work all night and can eat an entire forest in a matter of hours. Take it away more apt, they
cut everything into pieces
and carry it off.

Planting dates at midnight, Not expecting them to turn into pumpkins. This is maybe ... ...better than dating plants.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Eighteen hour days

I'm getting too old for these hours.
Progress ... ...Somewhere in the middle.

The Canadian Transportation Agency decided to rule Disabled passengers aboard jets will be allowed an attendant the ability to fly accompanying them using one ticket, even if they take up two or more seats.
The agency is allowing Air Canada, Air Canada Jazz and WestJet one year to bring in a "one-person, one-fare" policy.
Its a weird set of numbers that says it would cost ... seven million bucks for Air Canada to do this, and that amounts to seventy odd cents per ticket (thats Canadian cents) .
A suit by the "Council of Canadians with Disabilities" fueled the decision.
I wonder how long before common carriers follow [suit].
A Beginning.
Amazingly faster will be Broadband Internet access aboard commercial flights. Apparently there is a lot less red tape outfitting planes with internet than issuing flight tickets to the disabled...

The Middle Begins ...

The Beginnings, now... ...near the End,
Are very early.

Dawn Cracks hard.

(like a pool cue)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Top

View from the top


The Black Hole of Children's Television
too many more for this moment

Eight feet tall, on the wall.

RainyDayClinic and Oxlaju Guesthouse

Welcome to Oxlaju Guesthouse and The Rainy Day Clinic.
We hope to post more news about this facility and it's hopes as the years pass, and photos of the "rain forest" painted on the interior walls, as time allows.


This is the hope to establish Barrier Free Travel to everyone, and provide for yourselves and those around us with classes and training for vocational and occupational choices. I'm from Oxlaju Inn and RainyDayClinic in a town unceremoniously called "Dump" in
Belize's Toledo District. Once the end of the line for buses, it is
the Tourist Dump Point where everyone getting off, got off.
A prime example of what happens when you work your fingers to the bone.

Bony Fingers.
These guidelines:
Do what you can.
You can do anything.
Never take a job where you can't wear your own hat. will give one an idea of the scope of the plan, and along with one could see the progress if I ever get time to finish them. Time is my little killer. It takes me too long to do everything and I can't shake the thought I need to do well everything.

In the beginning ...

in Central America...